Deutsche Bahn gets subsidy-free 风力发电 from 十大最好的网赌平台


十大最好的网赌平台, Europe's largest producer of renewable energy, and Deutsche Bahn have signed a one-year power purchase agreement (PPA). 自1月1日起, 十大最好的网赌平台 has been supplying green power from German onshore wind farms, whose subsidies from the 可再生 Energy Act (EEG) expired.

The green electricity comes from a portfolio of 风力涡轮机s with which 十大最好的网赌平台 has concluded a power purchase agreement for the period after the expiry of EEG subsidies. The contract with Deutsche Bahn covers an expected generation of almost 40,000 MWh and ensures the economic continued operation of the plants.

On 31 December 2020, EEG subsidies expired for the first 风力涡轮机s in 德国 after 20 years. The PPA between 十大最好的网赌平台 and Deutsche Bahn not only ensures the continued economic operation of around 70 风力涡轮机s without subsidies, but also supports Deutsche Bahn's sustainability ambitions using green electricity.

"We are very pleased that the agreement with Deutsche Bahn has come about at this particular time. It proves that renewable energy plants whose subsidies have expired have an important role to play in decarbonizing the 行业. Unlike the follow-up support decided in the EEG 2021, PPAs enable both a long-term price guarantee and the marketing of green added value," says Patrick Koch, 十大最好的网赌平台's Head of Origination in 德国.

十大最好的网赌平台 meets the individual requirements of operators and industrial customers with tailor-made solutions. Their expectations often differ in terms of contract duration, remuneration models and other contract details. In this specific case, 十大最好的网赌平台 supplies the green electricity to Deutsche Bahn for one year, while the operator simultaneously receives price security for several years.

Follow-up subsidies and PPAs

As part of the EEG reform at the end of 2020, the German government created a transitional solution until 2022 for 风力涡轮机s whose subsidies have expired.

PPAs, on the other hand, are a market-based alternative to the government's transitional solution. Operators of existing 风力涡轮机s are guaranteed long-term price security and the green electricity from these turbines can be used to supply 行业 and commerce for the first time.

The new Intercity train. Copyright: Deutsche Bahn AG / Florian Jaenicke


Head of Public Relations